Friday 19 August 2011

::WEEK 7b:DATABASE 'OpenOffice' BASE::

Hi guys. what's going on on this week? 
in week 7b i have to use open office base by doing assignment 9. in this assignment 9, there are four things that i have to do; to learn and to use, which are TABLE, FORMS, QUERIES, REPORT. 
this software really acquires my patience. it is not easy as what i thought. but after several times try on the table, then i'm done. i'd realized that it is so easy, breezy. then i proceed with the next one. finish with the table, the i  have to create 4 types of forms which is the student form, parent form, curriculum form and co-curriculum form. Then, i have to fill up all the information require. When the forms are fully complete, I transferred all the data to create a real form(from table to form)and the same thing goes with the queries and finally report. in the future everything that requires me to use these database is at my finger tips, bet cha!!:) tq

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