Tuesday 23 August 2011


hye, this week i have to do impress and powerpoint based on the 21st century skills.
question for this week:

Learning by doing Assignment 7a
 Based on assignment 5 - mini research, create a presentation kit using Impress.
 Follow the guideline/rule for good presentation skills
 Upload the presentation using Google docs and share with your coursemate. Edit the presentation if necessary

impress just the same as powerpoint and very easy to do.

Learning by doing Assignment 7b
 Develop a multimedia courseware: learning about the content you choose for assignment 1 using Powerpoint
 The courseware should include all multimedia elements: video (edit in Windows Movie Maker); a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP); (custom animation; edit in GIMP) & audio (record and edit using Audacity.
 then i have to put everything, in the powerpoint. tq.

multimedia, audio, animation, video 

On this week assignment we(me and Salina) have to do two assignment; 7a and 7b(individual). 
For the impress, we have to do a presentation kit based on the assignment 5; mini research. We have to follow all the rules and guidelines for creating a good presentation skills. Then as usual, upload the presentation using google docs. Finish with that, individually, I have to develop a multimedia courseware; learning about content I'd chosen for assignment 1(21st century skills).The courseware should include all multimedia elements: video (edit in Windows Movie Maker); a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP); (custom animation; edit in GIMP) & audio (record and edit using Audacity. This week assignment can be considered as an easy one; we were fossilised with presentation. So, everything is easy breezy. However, presentation using impress was a remarkably-i-have-to-dig-in everything. Luckily, i'd managed to finish it. juz wait for the video to be watched! I have to say it was kinda amazing because i'd made it myself though. tq        

Friday 19 August 2011

::WEEK 7b:DATABASE 'OpenOffice' BASE::

Hi guys. what's going on on this week? 
in week 7b i have to use open office base by doing assignment 9. in this assignment 9, there are four things that i have to do; to learn and to use, which are TABLE, FORMS, QUERIES, REPORT. 
this software really acquires my patience. it is not easy as what i thought. but after several times try on the table, then i'm done. i'd realized that it is so easy, breezy. then i proceed with the next one. finish with the table, the i  have to create 4 types of forms which is the student form, parent form, curriculum form and co-curriculum form. Then, i have to fill up all the information require. When the forms are fully complete, I transferred all the data to create a real form(from table to form)and the same thing goes with the queries and finally report. in the future everything that requires me to use these database is at my finger tips, bet cha!!:) tq


Hi guyz.. We meet again. So this week assignment, what i have to do? SPREADSHEET!!.
What is spreadsheet? spreadsheet actually, to make it simple to understand, an organizer way to create an expenditure(in my context) using spreadsheet, i don't have to waste my time calculating normally using calculator because using open office spreadsheet, 'all in one', meaning to say, the calculation is done in the spreadsheet itself. The expenditure has to include one year spending based on my salaries. So 12 months spending have to be done. My expenditure is RM4000.00 precisely. and i spend it on 'food', 'entertainment', 'car', 'bills', 'health & cares' and 'insurances'. Spending on car, bills and insurances are fixed. However the rest are depends on my need. :) at the outset, i was quite confused to calculate my expenditure using the calculation in the spreadsheet, but after being taught by my lecturer, thank God, everything was going on flawlessly as my skin, kidding!!!. So there you have it my spreadsheet. Now i know how to use it for my future endless and uncountable income.. yahooo!!!. tq.

my spreadsheet(income expenditure)
for spreadsheet in exel, i have to do students exam's marks (15 students with 5 subjects{bahasa melayu, bahasa inggeris, mathematics, pendidikan islam/moral, science}) and these are all the items that i have to do. starting with: 

  1. Define name 
  2. Fill Series
  4. STDEV
  7.  Graph
  8.  Sort, last but not least
  9. Filter
these skills in using exel to create an exam spreadsheet is very useful to me as a teacher. i would probably apply all the items shown above so the my spreadsheet is more organized and marvelous. tq again. 

Thursday 18 August 2011

::Week 5 (Graphics, desktop publishing, word processor)::

Assignment 6A & 6B. (brochure and booklet designing)
on this week task we are required to do two assignments a booklet and a brochure. we're designing the brochure using microsoft office publisher. for my brochure, me and salina we're doing on 21st century topic. our brochure must include topic and gist for assignment 1,4 and 5. we were asked to put different kinds of images such as JPEG, GIFF, TIFF, BMP, PNG, WMF and so on. assignment 1 was on the 21st century topic that we were uploading it on the facebook.21st century skills; the subtopic for our first assignment. We have to discuss about the topic. Then, by using one of the facebook groups created, we have to create a docu-ment that explain and discuss critically about the issued to the subtopic( 21st century skills). Each member of the facebook group must read and respond to the subtopic. The owner must give feedbacks based on the given comments.Basically, 21st century skills is about skills that everyone have to master in order to have a better live. Based on the US secretary of education Arne Duncan (2009); 21st cen-tury skills is the skills that increasingly de-mand creativity, perseverance, and problem solving combined with performing well as part of a team. For assignment 4, we were doing on the We have to do a literature review based on the 21st century topic.
This particular topic is focusing more on the problem faced in implementing 21st cen-tury skills in Malaysia. Firstly, the problem arises by the critics, they argue by saying, 21st century skills as a meaningless term and distraction from the more important work of teaching core context and these types of higher-order skills cannot be meas-ured in reliable, cost-effective, or scalable ways. Secondly, lack of untrained profes-sional teachers in carrying these skills and make these skills useless for the students to learn. In addition, we also touched on the smart school in Malaysia. Smart schools implementing the ’21st century skills’ to the youngsters in Malaysia. Then for assignment 5  our team is collaborating in doing a questionnaire based on the journal made. We have to do the 10 questionnaires on the survey monkey, collecting data from it, improvise the questionnaire based on the survey made, create another questionnaires on the google doc and post it on the targeted email and facebook, collect the data and using the SPSS software, do a statistic on it, then make another journal based on the statistic. then we also created a booklet in microsoft office. these booklet is also including the same topic as the publisher. all 4 pages of a booklet is completed as i already uploaded it at my yahoo group. tq.  

Friday 12 August 2011

Week 4 : "REPORT ON" Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS )

What i have to do on this week task? On this week task, i have to record and analyze the data from the survey https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dC0tRWhpRml0NjVzRlhzM0xGVTVNU1E6MQ ,that me and Salina Sayang had done.  A software called SPSS is installed; a software that will analyze the data from the survey specifically.
How to collect data from the SPSS? Easy steps:
1. Open SPSS and start naming the variable using Variable View ..
      Example :

  •          Name: Form ID ; type: Numeric:; width : 8; decimals: 0; Label: Form Identification; values: none
  •           Name: Gender; type: numeric; width: 8; decimals: 0; Label Value (1, Male.....)
2. Data Entry (for printed questionnaire) using Data View
3. In data view, Data -> Merge / import data from Online Questionnaire spreadsheet (make sure that   the variable is the same)
4. Run the analyze ->descriptive data: Frequencies
5. Output will be displayed in SPSS Viewer
6. The table and graph can be copied from SPSS Viewer to OpenOffice Writer for reporting.

what i'd learned?
i'd learned how to use this software with ease and systematically. To be frank i dont even know what is SPSS. Then in this class i'd learned how to use it.From the data collected, we're writing a journal. the journal is based on the given format.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

::Week 3b (Online Questionnaire)::

Hi guys.. what should we do for this week? Questionnaire? what is that? how to do it? 
So a simple questionnaire with 10 questions on the topic "E-Learning" is created by me and Salina sayang.

So we are required to~

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test), and....
1. Register – free sign-up at 
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only) 
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to our coursemates) 
4. Ask our classmate to comment or each question/item. 

We'd done with the survey, so this is the link~~

After that, we are required to:~~
Create Questionnaire using Google Document 
1. Use gmail account 
2. Open
 https://docs.google.com/ or click on documents
3. Create New → Form 
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale 
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form 
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire. 
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS) 
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback 
9. Ask the students from IPG KS (Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak) to answer the survey. 
The questionnaire in google docs can be printed and distribute it to any students in your campus (each pair gets at least 10 respondents). 

this is link to our survey at google doc.

What have i learnt?
i'd learnt how to make a survey using survey monkey. Then, transforming those questionnaire to a better one and make again in the google doc. Basically, the result from the survey is the gist that we're going to use in completing our next journal. tq.